


  • * Golden Egg Awards 2020 - Package design / Silver
  • * Golden Egg Awards 2020 - Small branding / Bronze
  • * Golden Egg Awards 2020 - Design / Package, exclusive / Bronze
  • * ADC*E Estonian Design Awards 2019 - Package design / Exclusive product and small series / Bronze
  • * ADC*E Estonian Design Awards 2019 - Company graphics / Large system / Bronze

Our contribution:

Visual identity
Logo design
Creative management
Creative writing
Creative direction of photos

In spring 2019, one of the most unique gins in the world was born. Junimperium Gin was born out of a love for quality craft gin, and the cozy Junimperium Distillery & Bar opened its doors.

Sümbioos, mis austab pärandit

From the very beginning, Junimperium’s idea was to bring together two exciting worlds – new and old, thus offering something completely unique. The visual solutions also aimed to bring the traditional to the modern world.

Klassikaline apteekripudel kadakast korgiga

The most recognisable part of any drink is its bottle. By combining a classic apothecary bottle and labelling with modern details, we created a combination that stands out on a drinks shelf. Although juniper is the most important ingredient in the world of gin, there is no other bottle closure in the world that we know of that is made from real juniper wood.

Käsitööna valminud

One of the most important design elements of the brand is a unique juniper branch, created specially for Junimperium in collaboration with artist Aet Alev.

Eesti esimene avatud džinnivabrik

The photos to tell the story of the brand came very naturally for Junimperium because the environment in which the delicious drink is created already looks extremely beautiful.

Vaskselt särav pildikeel

All of Junimperium’s photos, from the products and cocktails to the advertisements and social media, are also taken by us.

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Partner with us, and we’ll provide everything you need for modern marketing to outshine your competition. We collaborate with experienced marketing agencies that, like us, are committed to delivering the highest quality service in their field.

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